Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative “Reaching Out to More Communities”  ~ Payment for Teachers and Possible Deductions for Expenses

Master Feldenkrais teachers and also those beginning to teach are welcomed to contribute classes free of charge or on a ‘pay as you can’ basis. The signup forms clearly state whether each teacher offers free of charge or on a ‘pay as you can’ basis. For those classes listed as free of charge, we will ensure that no fees whatsoever are asked of the students after they have participated in the program. 

IRS Deductions for Services or Expenses

Quoting Thomas S. Pappas, MSA, CNAP | Senior Consultant | Virtual, Inc.:
“This has been my experience and understanding as well that Volunteer “Time” is not allowed as a deduction by the IRS.”

Thomas S. Pappas, also mentions that for those offering classes free of charge you may contact your own CPA regarding a possible deduction for the donation of services.

Quoting from an article below stating that IRS Deductions cannot be taken for services offered freely.
[ Note: It Looks like the IRS does not allow you to assign a value to your time for charitable donation purposes. But certain expenses related to the charitable work may be claimed.]Quoting from https://cullinanelaw.com/can-i-deduct-the-value-of-my-volunteer-service-to-a-nonprofit/

Can I deduct the value of my volunteer service to a nonprofit?  The IRS will not allow individuals to deduct the monetary value of their volunteer service to a nonprofit on their individual income tax returns. But volunteers may be able to deduct for certain volunteer expenses.
1. No monetary deduction for volunteer time and service.
Volunteers cannot deduct the monetary value of their time volunteering to an organization. (The general rule is that you donate cash or items for it to count as a deduction).

__________________________________________With appreciation and devotion to learning,Katarina  for the Feldenkrais Legacy Forum
Katarina Halm, M.A.
Feldenkrais® GCFP 
1 604 263 9123 (Vancouver BC Canada)
[email protected]