Jaclyn Boone


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Jaclyn Boone Interviews Thirteen Feldenkrais® Trainers

Interviews with 13 Feldenkrais Trainers 

To capture their accumulated experience and wisdom, this past year the Transformation of Trainings (ToT) springboard group of the Feldenkrais Legacy Forum (FLF) interviewed 13 of the most experienced Feldenkrais Trainers within the North American Guild.  (6 San Francisco, 5 Amherst, 2 Other)

  • Each was asked the same four questions.
  • Verbatim interview transcripts were prepared for each question, compiling all 13 responses.
  • The focus was on the ideas- therefore trainers were not identified by name.
  • Themes or common ideas were identified to aid in access.

The four questions

  1. What are the essential qualities and characteristics of the Feldenkrais® work – without which it would not be Feldenkrais work and what distinguishes the Feldenkrais work from other professions?
  2. What is essential to consider and do in Feldenkrais training to balance personal experience of the work with the development of professional competence in the work?
  3. Where do you see the Feldenkrais work going?
  4. Does training need to evolve to support that? If so, how?

The Legacy group has deep gratitude for the Trainers’ willingness to share their thoughts as part of the effort to preserve Moshé Feldenkrais’s work.

Each Trainer brought their perspective as it had evolved and was still evolving in their own journey. Their perspectives were often varied on the same idea. They were reflecting, not endeavoring to impose their truths on the community. They gave a gift to the community and to each individual to use in their own journey and their own reflections.

Executive summary of project, including questions and themes.

Question 1 with themes and transcripts

Question 2 with themes and transcripts

Questions 3 and 4 with themes and transcripts

PowerPoint from Sept 24, 2023 presentation to the Canadian Region

Click on the image to view all slides.

Recording from Sept 24, 2023 presentation – 45 min presentation, 30 min Q&A

Interviews with 13 Trainers on the Essence of the Feldenkrais Method, and Reflections on Training Programs from Feldenkrais Guild North America on Vimeo.

What you will learn

Appreciations for the classes


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