Katarina Halm

 Thinking in Movement ~ a Community for Study and Practice

‘Horizons of Understanding’

BIO: Katarina Halm, MA, GCFP, CFT, Feldenkrais®, Focusing, Movement Intelligence, Taijiquan. With a deep interest in how language emerges in our movement, dreams, and daily living, Katarina integrates practices from Moshé Feldenkrais, Gene Gendlin, Janet Pfunder, and Lynn Preston.
Writings include:
* Halm, K. (1994). Resonance and Dissonance in the Learning Process (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology M.A. thesis
* Halm, K. (2010). Attuning to Natural Process Action Steps
* Halm, K. (2013/2020). Feldenkrais® and Focusing, Complementary Practices.
* Halm, K. (2015). Rolling with Possibility, The Feldenkrais Method® for those living with autism, SenseAblitiy Journal #66 Publication of the Feldenkrais Educational Foundation FEFNA®
* Halm, K. (2023). Horizons of Understanding, The Feldenkrais® Journal #33, 
☆ Focusing highlight with Rosa, Larry and Katarina https://focusing.org/event/focusing-facilitators-new-educators-and-leaders


Katarina Halm

What you will learn

Appreciations for the classes


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