Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative “Reaching Out to More Communities” at feldenkraisinclusioninitiative.org


Note: There may be a separate section on the teacher’s page and perhaps also on the student’s page with more details on research themes and implementation.

Research Project &  Logistics

The sign-ups and profiles of the students will be tracked on our  Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative Organizational Metrics Sheet (you could request access if you are interested) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1km1ebUUwZK2v1leKH13TAH_Ie0oCOcHLGTarB3nXbTA/edit#gid=0

Through our teaching, the Feldenkrais Method will be represented as a distinct profession. Thus, we support and clarify that Feldenkrais can become a viable step towards creating jobs working in local communities, institutions, and/or online.

*  Success of the project will increase public awareness about the Feldenkrais Method and model the Feldenkrais standards of practice. 

*  We plan to foster professional ethics (including Professional Dialogue) among the Feldenkrais teachers in our Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative.

* We plan to promote and facilitate the education and training of persons who wish to become authorized practitioners and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method.

* We plan to promote, sponsor and conduct research in the Feldenkrais Method  Develop a Research Project including the study of the following the guidelines from Eveline Wu’s presentation at the 2012/2013 Feldenkrais conference: https://www.academia.edu/4360520/A_Proposed_Project_for_Practitioners_to_Write_Feldenkrais_Case_Studies 

* We look forward to the March 2022 publication of notes from the January meeting of the
International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) Research Working Group (IFFRWG). (https://feldenkrais-method.org/research/research-w…_ /

More Information: https://sites.google.com/feldenkrais-method.org/researchgroup / https://feldsci.net/ ) .

Thinking: Several of us spoke about thoughts for a research project in relation to Amherst Study Group  https://thinkinginmovement.ca/amherst/  and Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative   Reaching Out to More Communities. We look forward to your further thoughts fostering our next developments.With appreciation and devotion to learning,

Katarina  for the Feldenkrais Legacy Forum

Katarina Halm, M.A.
Feldenkrais® GCFP 
1 604 263 9123 (Vancouver BC Canada)
[email protected]