PODCASTS with the Teachers!

PODCASTS with the Teachers 
We hope to interview each teacher and create clips to add to our VIDEO PLAY LIST
We invite each teacher for Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative  to choose a TIME  for creating a PODCAST with Alfo and Katarina.  It could be an interview to include whatever you may like to share about yourself and your teaching.. If you would prefer times OTHER than those listed below please let us know. Our basic premise will be for viewers to learn about you, your class,  your perspective and who you are as a teacher in the Inclusion project. 
Please let us  know if you have questions, wishes  and whether you may be ready to choose a time from those listed below 
Please choose from the below for your podcast (if you have not already):


2pm EST / 11am PT 
DAY during 2024

☆ Monday March 4, 11, 18, 25  … 

☆ Tuesday March 12, 19, 26 … 
☆ Wednesday April 17, alternate weeks … 
☆ Thursday April 25  … 
☆ Friday March 29  … 
☆ Saturday June 22  … 
☆ Sunday April 21  … 
With gratitude for your teaching and all best wishes, 
Alfo and Katarina for Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative 
 ☯ ♡ ❤  
A growing roster is below:
TEACHERS: (☆ podcast dates)
Alice Friedman  
Anita Bueno  
Bobbie Ueunten  
 Chrish Kresge  
 Dianna Dryden 
 Fritha  Pengelly  
☆ Jaclyn Boone Saturday Mar 30, 2024
☆ Jeff Haller  Saturday Jan 28, 2024
Joyce Lu 
Katarina Halm  
Liza Weaver Brickey 
Nick Strauss-Klein 
Paris Kern  
☆ Peggi Honig Dec 30, 2023 
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