Awareness Through Movement® Teacher



Rachel Rudansky

ATM® classes
For the process of awakening attention
to ourselves and to others.

 º Mondays º 11:00 am Pacific *45-60 min


More about Rachel 

Interchange: 12 $USD per class or 40 Monthly.

Money Policy: Come and take your first class for free. Scholarships are also available, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Join any time.. you are welcome!

In these classes we are honouring the gift of our awareness. These explorations are the key to our Life Force. The state of being aware makes us sensitive to ourselves, to our bodies and to each other. It stimulates our Creativity and brings us to a greater level of Wellbeing.

Working in a form that offers more possibilities for learning without judgment.

What you will learn

  • You’ll be learning about how you think,
  • You’ll be learning about how your body connects to your breath,
  • To perceive yourself in the most generous way,
  • To develop a new paradigm for viewing your health,
  • How do you organize yourself to sit or to walk, and turn?
  • How do you respond to you beingness?

Appreciations for the classes

“Through the Feldenkreis work, I became aware of unconscious psychological patterns that were causing me muscle constriction and discomfort. Rachel Rudansky’s Feldenkrais lessons enabled me to discover alternative ways to move my body more fully and get out of pain. Rachel is an attentive and knowledgeable teacher who guides her students to discover for themselves that their own potential for fuller range of motion can be effortless.Each of Rachel’s lessons provides an enlightening experience.
“This class has helped me be more gentle with myself.  I’ve learned to go to the edge of any painful place and stay with the sensation for a while, trusting that my body will reorganize itself.  I have been pleased with the results.”
— Dionis

We are evolving in every moment!

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