Entries by alfoh

Payment for Teachers / Possible Deductions for Teachers’ Expenses

Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative “Reaching Out to More Communities”  ~ Payment for Teachers and Possible Deductions for Expenses ________________________________________CLARIFICATIONS ON PAYMENT AND POSSIBLE DEDUCTIONS FOR EXPENSESMaster Feldenkrais teachers and also those beginning to teach are welcomed to contribute classes free of charge or on a ‘pay as you can’ basis. The signup forms clearly state whether each […]

Research Project & Logistics

Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative “Reaching Out to More Communities” at feldenkraisinclusioninitiative.org RESEARCH / LOGISTICS  Note: There may be a separate section on the teacher’s page and perhaps also on the student’s page with more details on research themes and implementation. Research Project &  Logistics The sign-ups and profiles of the students will be tracked on our  Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative […]

Prospectus ~ Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative Research Project

Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative “Reaching Out to More Communities” at feldenkraisinclusioninitiative.org  Prospectus ~ Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative Research Project The tabs in this accordion lead to Resources including the following: Prospectus Research implementation for Feldenkrais® Inclusion Initiative Student Waiver and Collaboration Forms. Links to articles on Feldenkrais® Research Research Themes Quotes Summaries Sample Case Studies and Research Projects Further […]

Some resources and a study page

Some resources and a study page https://thinkinginmovement.ca/feldenkrais/ Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® Learn to Learn by Moshe Feldenkrais Aprende a aprender de Moshé Feldenkrais  Método Feldenkrais En EspañolDianne Henneman Interview 2021Amherst Study GroupSelf Image ~Body Image ~ Body SchemaFeldenkrais® page …  ‘6 Best Books by Moshé Feldenkrais’ An overview of the Feldenkrais Method and its applications […]